Saturday, January 31, 2009

25! that's crazy!!

1. i may be a bit delusional in this, but i feel super san francisco!

2. i love it when stereotypes that i didn't even know i had get shattered.

3. i love it when i make a true attempt to see something from all sides, not just the side i'm emotionally attached to.

4. i have a bleeding heart.

5. i believe in reincarnation.

6. i have something that comes close to true love for almost every religion i encounter.

7. i truly feel that my close friends are my family.

8. i was born with 4 great-parents and 4 grandparents and had most of them through my teenage years.

9. my first word was "light."

10. i have a serious addiction to ice cream.

11. i was clearly a chain-smoker in a past life. me and cigarettes are like fish to water.

12. thanks to suzi, i am a weaver.

13. i feel really very lucky that i grew up in galt.

14. i talk to quinlan on the phone probably between 8-12 hours per week.

15. i would love to fully potentialize my soul, though i doubt that will happen in this lifetime.

16. i'm horrible at time-management.

17. i love vodka and everything that can be done with it.

18. i'm glad to be web designing again, after taking a year and a half off.

19. i've had one energy reading in my life and the truth of it made me cry.

20. i am generally drawn to the paranormal and metaphysical.

21. i am so very lucky to live in this beautiful house with 6 amazing and inspiring roommates, and all 6 of their significant others who float in and out of the house as well.

22. i have a really hard time saying the word "boyfriend."

23. i love keith olbermann, rachel maddow and amy goodman.

24. my biggest priority in life is travel.

25. i have only felt like the minority one time in my life, and that was last night at the poleng lounge.