Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Goals, goals, goals

Right now I'm in such a great space. I love this feeling whenever it comes. I'm constantly changing my immediate life plan, but I feel like I'm on to something good this time.

It's such an amazing feeling to have a tangible dream, one that I can actually fulfill. It'll take a lot of work on my part, but if it means getting away from jobs that pay the bills but give no personal satisfaction - I'm all for it!

I've learned many many lessons from the people close to me. One that originated w/
Troy, but that has become something of a mantra in our group, is not to let anything stand in the way of achieving your goals.

It's sounds easy enough, but before I could embrace it, I had to let go of a lot of fear. Which brings me to another group mantra, this one from
Quinlan - "What would you do if you hadn't been afraid?"

I'm amazingly satisfied to be in this place, and am just counting down the months that I still have to work - I can't wait to begin living my real life!

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Lots o' changes...

I just found out about a pretty huge change in my job yesterday. I do video surveillance and work in the Police Services unit. I work with great people, which is one of the most important things about any job.

Yesterday I was told that Facilities Maintenance has been assigned to oversee everything video-related, including my job.

Those of you who know how I feel about my job, know that my favorite thing is working w/the cops, as crazy as that sounds coming from me. They're just such a great group, as are the people I work with in the office. I'm not sure what types of changes this new management will bring.

Partly due to this, and partly due to a craving to live life to the fullest, my current thinking is to forget about persuing a degree / career in computers and do something a little more personally satisfying, even if that means not necessarily having a set career path. I think foreign language would be pretty amazing. That way I could study abroad and incorporate more travel into my education and career.

I'm so tired of feeling afraid to leave Sac and feeling confined to an education and career path that's tied to my current job. The news I received yesterday just made feel like I'd been released from it all.

And what an amazing feeling.