I took tons of pics, here are a few...
We stayed with Jason, he's an old friend of ours who we met through Troy. He used to live in Sac, but now he attends UCSD and has a beautiful condo w/an ocean view in Hillcrest, which is a really cute area of SD. We loved it. We also met some friends of his. This first pic is of Jason and Brandon, the second is Jason and Quinlan.
Saturday morning Jason was pumped b/c his furniture deal came through, it was a really good one he was working on through Craigslist. Two chenille couches in good condition for $200! So the first pic is after we moved out his old furniture in anticipation of the new and in the meantime had a little hippy pad. ;) The second pic is of the new furniture... Can you see me in the mirror?
Then we went to the Broken Yoke for brunch. It was a great place in Pacific Beach w/roof-top dining area and lots of flowers blooming everywhere. We met two more of Jason's friends, Curtis and Michael. Super cute boys, and fun too. ;) The first pic is of Jason, Michael and Curtis.
Jason's an amazing tour guide and after breakfast he took us site-seeing. San Diego really is such a beautiful beautiful city!
Mount Soledad, the best place in SD to see a view of the entire city...
Quinlan's new school, SDSU, and gorgeous homes along the way...
SDSU also has an amazing underground train station...
This was an incredible trip. The time spent w/Quinlan is always good for the soul, and I feel like we really need to make the most of our time together, she's only going to be here for a couple more months....
This trip helped to ease a lot of her fears about moving and answered a lot of her questions, also confirmed for her that this is definitely where she wants to be. For me, it confirmed that SF is more my speed, so I'll still be going that direction, even though it's so tempting for me to follow that girl wherever she goes. ;)
Thank you Jason, for being such an incredible host!
This trip helped to ease a lot of her fears about moving and answered a lot of her questions, also confirmed for her that this is definitely where she wants to be. For me, it confirmed that SF is more my speed, so I'll still be going that direction, even though it's so tempting for me to follow that girl wherever she goes. ;)
Thank you Jason, for being such an incredible host!