Tuesday, March 27, 2007

my trip to san diego...

Quinlan and I just took a weekend road trip to San Diego. It was a great trip, San Diego is just such a beautiful place. We left early Friday morning and left around noon on Sunday. It took us about 8 hours each way. We made lots and lots of bathroom stops. ;)

I took tons of pics, here are a few...

We stayed with
Jason, he's an old friend of ours who we met through Troy. He used to live in Sac, but now he attends UCSD and has a beautiful condo w/an ocean view in Hillcrest, which is a really cute area of SD. We loved it. We also met some friends of his. This first pic is of Jason and Brandon, the second is Jason and Quinlan.
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Later that night we went out to the coolest club called the Kava Lounge. They had some decent house music so I danced a lot. They also had an amazing live band, their name was Cmos Kipsy and they were from Amsterdam. They played great music and had turn table stuff mixed with instruments. The music was awesome, I wish I could find a web site, but can't seem to...
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Saturday morning Jason was pumped b/c his furniture deal came through, it was a really good one he was working on through Craigslist. Two chenille couches in good condition for $200! So the first pic is after we moved out his old furniture in anticipation of the new and in the meantime had a little hippy pad. ;) The second pic is of the new furniture... Can you see me in the mirror?
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Then we went to the Broken Yoke for brunch. It was a great place in Pacific Beach w/roof-top dining area and lots of flowers blooming everywhere. We met two more of Jason's friends, Curtis and Michael. Super cute boys, and fun too. ;) The first pic is of Jason, Michael and Curtis.
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Jason's an amazing tour guide and after breakfast he took us site-seeing. San Diego really is such a beautiful beautiful city!
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Mount Soledad, the best place in SD to see a view of the entire city...

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Quinlan's new school, SDSU, and gorgeous homes along the way...

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SDSU also has an amazing underground train station...
This was an incredible trip. The time spent w/Quinlan is always good for the soul, and I feel like we really need to make the most of our time together, she's only going to be here for a couple more months....

This trip helped to ease a lot of her fears about moving and answered a lot of her questions, also confirmed for her that this is definitely where she wants to be. For me, it confirmed that SF is more my speed, so I'll still be going that direction, even though it's so tempting for me to follow that girl wherever she goes. ;)

Thank you Jason, for being such an incredible host!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

wow, barack in oakland...

the barack obama rally in oakland this weekend was amazing! there were thousands and thousands of people there, people from all walks of life. his power to move and inspire the masses is just amazing....

troy, quinlan and i went to this rally believing in him and left even more inspired than we were to begin with.

check out troy's article at

here's some pics and a video.
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things are gonna change, i can feel it! ;)

*video courtesy of Sacramento for Obama

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

barack in selma...

I'm going to start putting my Barack Obama Videos of the Week here in my blog after I move them off of my main page, just in case anyone still wants to see them...

Here's the one from last week:

For those who have been following Barack's campaign, I'm sure you've heard plenty of the "he's not black enough" comments. The issue some people have with him is that his father is from Africa (Kenya) and not from here, and even worse, his mom is white.

In the video below, in his speech in Selma, Alabama, Barack manages to connect himself with the black struggle in the U.S. effortlessly.

Friday, March 16, 2007

so eric came over after work tonight and got me way more buzzed than necessary... it's only 6:39pm and i'm feelin' too damned buzzed!! i'm eating though, so i'm starting to feel better. ;)

he says he's going to come over later, but we'll see how long from now that is... he loves to keep me waiting... builds the anticipation, right? jesus, i don't need that damned much anticipation in my life!

i adore him, and he makes the best martinis on top of it all - better than at the bars.

happy st. paddy's day to all! i hope ya'll drink lots and lots of irish car bombs for me! i'm not sure if i'll be able to, b/c quinlan, troy and i will be in oakland, seeing, that's right, my man, barack obama!!!

i can't frickin' wait! wish ya'll could be there!

love you!

please note...

that i was waaaaaay too drunk when i wrote this! ;)