Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Israel/Palestinian Peace Plan that my Mid-East Poly-Sci class came up with ;)

* Please note that this document was part of a class simulation and does not necessarily reflect the views of all class members, instructor, or institution.

2009 Israel- Palestinian Peace Conference

Approved by a majority vote of PLSI 410 Spring 2009
Final Agreement

Territory/ Borders: Two-state solution. Israel must leave all current occupied territories. The Palestinian state will look like the following: extension of Gaza as well as the West Bank, but not to exceed the armistice lines “green line” in the 1949 agreement. Palestinians living within the new state of Israel can leave or they will become Israeli citizens and must obey Israeli law. Israelis living in the new Palestinian state have the option to leave, or if they choose to stay will become Palestinian citizens and subsequently will have to obey Palestinian law.

Water Rights: redistribute 50-50 water rights between Israel- Palestine with a joint water committee overseen by international organizations for five years.

Refugees/ Right of Return: Palestinians will have their own state (with full rights to establish a military) and not have a Right to Return to Israel. Palestinians choosing to not return to the state of Palestine will receive reparations on an individual basis. The Palestinian government will receive and distribute the reparations from those Palestinians who do chose to return to Palestine.

Jerusalem: city-state, free access to all. Dual citizenship either: Jerusalemites and either Palestinian or Israeli citizenship. Has its own two-house parliament overseen by a Tri-Judgeship representing the three dominant religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. There is to be a committee to organize interfaith events to bridge dialogue between the religions and cultures; this includes an educational exchange program for Palestinians and Israelis living outside of Jerusalem.

Security: Abolish all walls between the two states as well as internal check points. Five year border control committee established which is equally made up (50-50) between Israeli and Palestinians. The committee will also regulate airspace between the two nations (there will be no crossing of airspace). A railway linking Gaza and the West Bank, and a visa passport program implemented within both Israel and Palestine.

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